Detection techniques, gamma-ray astronomy, X-ray astronomy, dark matter, neutrino physics, big bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic inflation, cosmic rays, galactic magnetic fields, supernovae, pulsars, gamma-ray bursts, supernova remnants, active galactic nuclei.
Study of matter-light interactions at the atomic and molecular level.
Application of physical principles to biological systems.
Newton's Laws, Lagrangian Mechanics, Hamiltonian Mechanics, variational principles, symmetries and conservation Laws, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, dynamical systems, nonlinear dynamics, chaos theory, classical field theory.
Numerical methods and computer simulations in physics.
Study of matter in its condensed phases.
Observational cosmology, cosmological principle, FLRW metric, Friedmann equations, cosmological models, big bang theory, inflationary cosmology, early universe dynamics, dark matter, dark energy, structure formation, baryogenesis, primordial nucleosynthesis, gravitational lensing.
Electrostatics, dielectrics, Laplace's equation, multipole expansion, magnetostatics, electrodynamics, Maxwell's equations, radiation, electromagnetic fields and matter, electromagnetic interactions, covariant formulation.
Special relativity, Minkowski spacetime, tensor analysis, curved spacetime, Einstein's field equations, Schwarzschild solution, black holes, gravitational waves, Penrose diagrams, Kerr solution, black hole thermodynamics, Hawking radiation, Oppenheimer-Snyder collapse, nature of singularities.
Study of high-energy phenomena in the universe and their physical processes.
Study of the largest structures and patterns in the universe.
Complex analysis, vector calculus, variational calculus, linear algebra, tensor algebra, group theory, differential equations, integral transforms, special functions, probability and statistics, stochastic processes, numerical analysis.
Advanced mathematical methods and structures in physics.
Study of atomic nuclei and their constituents and interactions.
Study of celestial objects through observational techniques and instruments.
Study of fundamental particles and their interactions.
Study of ionized gases and their collective behavior.
Qubits, quantum gates, quantum algorithms, quantum error correction, quantum simulation, quantum cryptography, quantum machine learning, quantum annealing, optimization algorithms, topological quantum computing, quantum complexity theory, quantum hardware, quantum information theory.
Classical field theory, canonical quantization, scalar field theory, Klein-Gordon equation, Feynman propagator, S-Matrix, interacting fields, Wick's theorem, Feynman diagrams, renormalization, quantum electrodynamics, gauge symmetries, spontaneous symmetry breaking, electroweak theory, quantum chromodynamics, path integral formulation.
Study of information processing using quantum mechanical systems.
Schrodinger's equation, hydrogen atom, postulates, spin, bosons, fermions, Pauli exclusion principle, perturbation theory, Rayleigh-Ritz method, Wigner-Weyl transformation, WKB approximation, Klein-Gordon equation, Dirac equation, covariant formulation.
Study of matter in its solid phase and its physical properties.
Entropy, ideal gas, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, partition function, canonical ensemble, quantum statistics, Fermi-Dirac statistics, Bose-Einstein statistics, Bose-Einstein condensation, Fermi gas, Debye model, Ising model
Study of the life cycles and evolution of stars.
Study of one-dimensional quantum objects and unified theory of physics.
Laws of thermodynamics, temperature, heat, thermal equilibrium, work, energy conservation, heat capacity, heat engines, refrigerators, Carnot cycle, efficiency, entropy, reversible processes, thermodynamic potentials, phase transitions, ideal gas laws, kinetic theory of gases, solids, irreversible processes, blackbody radiation.
Major series of physics textbooks and lectures.
Popular science and foundational physics books.